
COVID-19 Update #4

Written 20-Nov-2020
Originally distributed via email to our members.

VFGPA members:

On the afternoon of 19 November, the Government of BC released an order and direction by the Provincial Health Officer (PHO), affecting all individuals, places of work and businesses in B.C. to significantly reduce their level of social interactions and travel.


These have been carefully reviewed by the VFGPA Board and Range Manager, and inputs provided to the Executive. After careful review, the following additional VFGPA COVID-19 Risk Management/Mitigation Measures are being implemented.

Membership adherence to these new measures is essential to keep our facilities available to our membership.  Failing to do so risks losing any access to our club for all our 4,500 members.

We will keep the VFGPA facilities open for individual use by our members, with further restrictions on groups and guests.

Day-passes shall only be sold to Law Enforcement & Armed Guard personnel, or to other members of the same single household/family of the VFGPA member accompanying them. Otherwise, NO Day-passes. This restriction may be relaxed after 7 December.  No other visitors nor spectators are permitted. Signs to this effect have been posted.  Also, Maximum of 2 Guests per member accompanied.

No person is to attend VFGPA facilities if they feel unwell (e.g. fever, headache), have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 symptoms in the last 14 days, or have been away from Vancouver Island in the last 14 days.  By signing in, members are stating that you are not feeling unwell, have not been exposed to someone with COVID-19 symptoms in the last 14 days, or have not been away from Vancouver Island in the last 14 days.  Signs to this effect have been posted.

Inexperienced shooters shall only be permitted to shoot if supervised by a VFGPA member of the same single household/family.

Members shall maintain social distancing protocols that are already in-place.  These as well as the new restrictions are to be enforced by staff and RSOs.

Mandatory masks for all indoor activities (e.g., main clubhouse, MP clubhouse, 751 residence, RP clubhouse, RP shooting shed).  The exception is the office, if and only if it has only one staff member and the window is closed. Ensure proper ventilation in indoor settings.

Discipline Directors can and will decide whether distancing can be maintained during their events, and if not, reschedule or cancel as applicable. Of note, Victoria Women Shooters, Skeet, Sporting Clays, and Airsoft events have been cancelled by their respective Directors.

Discipline Directors must restrict sports event participation to VFGPA members only in support of the PHO order to restrict travel.

Discipline Directors must review their procedures to increase distancing and use masks when people may come within 2m of each other. The exception is the active shooter, and adjacent Range Officer (if required, e.g., SIAS), as their safety glasses must not fog up.

The order does not restrict formal meetings. They can continue to operate. The Board meeting scheduled for 7 December will continue, but face masks will be mandatory, and arrangements will be made to have temperatures taken before entering and Zoom conference call dial will be explored as an option.  Members meetings remains suspended. Member meetings are still suspended.

Orientation and Safety Courses can continue.  Non-required courses (e.g., Hunting Essentials Course) are cancelled under these new, temporary measures.  The CFSC will continue to be taught at VFGPA at the instructor’s discretion in accordance with direction from the from the CFO.  Rigorous indoor COVID-19 measures must be in place.

David Michaud has instructed his staff to:

  • Wear a mask in the front office if there is more than one person inside.
  • Keep additional hand sanitizer on trap token boxes.
  • Sanitize trap keys.

Also, washrooms and showers shall be cleaned twice daily, and one person at a time in washrooms or shower areas.

Trap Field additional measures:

  • No more than 5 members per trap are permitted and they must maintain social distancing when moving station to station.
  • Masks shall be worn anytime someone goes to the trap house and while inside the clubhouse.

Multi-Purpose (MP) additional measures: use of MP individual bays shall be limited to members of a single household/family, unless it is an organised sports event with approved, enhanced COVID-19 measures approved by a Discipline Director.

Thank you all in advance for your cooperation in these matters.


Douglas Bancroft