Welcome to the Victoria Fish and Game Protective Association, often referred to as “the club” or “VFGPA”. We have a long, proud history in hunting, fishing, shooting sports and conservation. Some of the fun things we do include: Airsoft, Archery, Fishing, Camping, Skeet and Trap, Police Pistol, Cowboy Action, .22 Silhouette, Black Powder, and Action Shooting
We strive to foster a supportive and family-friendly environment. This is what makes our club special, an environment where we support each other to enhance our recreational and shooting experience.
Safety is our top-most concern. In order to experience the finest your club has to offer, it is imperative that everyone using the facilities thoroughly understands the rules before visiting the various ranges. Failure to comply with the range rules may result in disciplinary action, including, and not limited to, a membership review. Download your copy of the range rules here.
Orientation Sessions
Drop-in Orientation sessions are a great way get to know your club, are mandatory for new members prior to using the facilities, and are required to be taken every five years. There is so much our club has to offer. You will learn how the facilities are used, all about the various disciplines, what is expected of our members, range information, safety requirements, and information about amenities. Check out the calendar, or the sign-in kiosk for the next scheduled orientation session.
Volunteers are the key to our success. Your Board of Directors is made up of volunteers, representing the BC Wildlife Federation, Hunting, Fishing, each of the shooting disciplines, and Members at Large. Member volunteers – and sometimes their non-member friends – take part in organized work parties to make range improvements, and/or to lend a hand (and sometimes a strong back) for setting up recreational activities and events. These take a great deal of planning and preparation. All willing workers are valuable. Your experience and expertise are needed and welcome. If you have skills and/or access to materials that would benefit the club, let us know by contacting a member of the board of directors. These are the kinds of things that have kept our membership fees so low for so many years. We welcome new fellow members! Come on out to the Member Meetings(details below) or send us an email to become involved in the success of your club.
Visiting the Range
Visiting the Range is a great experience, and there is nothing more disappointing than showing up to a closed range. Sometimes a range will be closed for work, a fallen tree, a rental, or a special event, so please check the calendar before each trip up to the range. Last minute cancellations will be recorded on the info line at: 250-743-3504. Wearing your Membership Card or having it on display is required by all members while at the range. For everyone’s safety, all visitors to the range must have their membership cards or Day Passes visible for Range Officers and other members to see.
Member Meetings
Members’ Meetings are held Quarterly; in March (our AGM), June, September, and December (our ‘Christmas Social’!). They are held the 3rd Monday of the month, 7:00pm at Strawberry Vale Community Hall (if Monday is a holiday, the meetings are held on Tuesday). See the back of your Membership Card. We encourage everyone to come out and get to know other members, and learn more about VFGPA!