Sign In Rules Reminder
by Don Senft, VP Operations
We have seen some challenges and misuse of the sign in at the range of late, so this article will serve as an important reminder to all members of our sign in rules and procedures.
EVERY person accessing the property must sign in at the main gate, without exception. Enter all the information LEGIBLY. Each member must have a member number or day pass number. For family memberships, enter the shared number with “F” at the end (ie 9999F). Initial your acknowledgement of the rules and proceed to your range of choice.
At the MP and RP range, each member must again sign in LEGIBLY and indicate the bay/firing point they are using. Be sure to include time in and initial acknowledgement of the safety rules.
Upon completion of your practice sign out by entering your time of departure on both the RP or MP sheets and at the main gate.
Staff and RSOs will be paying particular attention to these procedures over the coming weeks as well as increasing membership and qualification checks on the line. Please ensure you and ALL guests have membership cards and orientation cards worn and visible at all times for inspection by staff (along with holster card if required) and be prepared to provide matching photo ID as well when requested by staff.
Thank you all for your cooperation and support of these important procedures to safeguard our liability and membership system.