COVID-19 Update #1
Written 18-Mar-2020
Originally distributed via email to our members.
VFGPA Board, Executive and Members:
Please review this recent Government of BC CLASS ORDER (mass gatherings) re: COVID-19, issued by the BC Provincial Health Officer.
Essentially, the VFGPA belongs to the class of people who are the owner, occupier or operator, or are otherwise responsible for, a place or places at which large numbers of people gather in BC; and we have been lawfully ordered to prohibit the gathering of people in excess of 50 people at a place of which are the owner, occupier or operator (until 30 May 2020 subject to revision, cancellation or extension).
I am therefore directing all discipline directors to comply with this direction. This is especially important for trap, skeet, sporting clays, SIAS and airsoft discipline/sections.
I am not directing that all events be cancelled. Rather, each discipline director must decide to reduce the number of participants to 50 or fewer, or to cancel the event.
In addition, I am directing that orientation and other clubhouse courses be limited to 25, in order to provide social distancing within the classroom during the event. This may be further reduced at the discretion of the instructor.
Finally, all members are encouraged to follow “the basics” including:
- Staying off VFGPA property if you are at risk, or have any of the symptoms of COVID-19;
- Maintaining good hand hygiene;
- Avoiding touching one’s eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands;
- Practicing respiratory etiquette (coughing into your sleeve, etc.); and
- Keeping appropriate social distance.
We should remain aware that this is a very fluid situation. We will continue to monitor the situation closely, and respond as required.
Finally, some of us are old enough to remember childhood polio and measles epidemics. While COVID-19 is a serious health issue; our communities and our country have successfully weathered much worse. We do so by looking after ourselves, our family, and our neighbours. If you feel the need to help, give blood. O negative and B negative supplies are especially low.
Feedback on this matter is most welcome.
Douglas Bancroft