Urgent Reminder to Engage
by Don Senft, Vice President Operations
Once again, it’s time to add your voice to the ScrapC21 Campaign.
We wanted to once again remind all our members of the critical requirement to add your voices to the ongoing effort to scrap the Liberals purely political anti-firearms Bill C21 that so unfairly targets law abiding firearms owners and our property while completely ignoring criminals and illegal firearms.
Our President Doug Bancroft recently sent out an email to all our members as an urgent call to action to support the CCFRs renewed effort to quash C21. The key website for that effort is as follow:
It contains all of the information you need to become fully engaged in this fight to protect YOUR legally acquired property and our sports and hobby. A reminder please that as you do engage with elected officials, to do so in a polite and courteous manner so your communication is read and digested rather than just being dismissed outright.
Additional resources for helping make our case can be found at the following website as well:
Every item on that site can be downloaded and shared by email and via social media far and wide to help present the factual basis for our case, clearly demonstrating this entire Liberal effort is simply a vote farming exercise designed to pander to their uninformed base with no real impact on public safety or illegal gun crime whatsoever.
Please stand tall and get engaged NOW. The SECU committee has resumed hearings, and with the removal of the long gun amendments the bill will likely move quickly. Your collective voice needs to be heard now or never. Our 5000 members MUST be heard by our elected officials as they debate a plan to kill our sports and hobby and make your legally purchased property worthless.
Get engaged. Be direct, be factual, and be polite, but above all, be heard.