Annual General Meeting 2023
In Accordance with the Societies Act of BC, the Victoria Fish And Game Protective Association hereby gives notice of its 2023 Annual General Meeting.
To be held on March 20, 2023 at 7:00pm at the Strawberry Vale Community Hall, 11 High Street, Victoria BC.
Agenda as follows:
- Call to order & acceptance of the Agenda for the 2023 AGM
- Acceptance of the Minutes from the previous AGM
- Officers’ Reports
- For Decision: motion to approve life memberships
- Directors’ Reports
- Brief intermission
- State of the Union Address / Annual Report: President
- Presentation for the decision approval of draft 2022 Financial Statements: Treasurer
- Hunting & Fishing Awards for 2022/23: Wayne Zaccarelli
- Begin AGM Elections
- M/C: Elizabeth Vezina
- Appointment of two scrutineers by Adam Piluso +1
- Election of the Executive, with the following proposed slate, and additional nominations from the floor:
- President: TBA
- Vice-President, Operations: Don Senft
- Vice-President, Sports & Innovation: Paul MacNeill
- Vice-President, Member Services: George Ambeault
- Treasurer: Bruce McAllister
- Secretary: Stephen Beagle
- Election of six Members at Large, with the following proposed slate, and additional nominations from the floor:
- Continuity: Dom Piluso
- Compliance: David Busch
- Youth Groups & School Engagement: Tim Doherty
- Juniors Program & Ranger: Chris Stevens
- Risk Management: Martin Nichols
- Access: Rod Parker
- Introduction of Officers & Members at Large
- Photograph of the New Board, including Discipline Reps
- A few words from our President Elect
- Motion for adjournment
A copy of the agenda can be downloaded here: