Final Call To Action – Bill C21 at Senate SECD Committee

By Don Senft, VP Operations

Beginning in early Sep, Bill C21 will be studied a final time at SECD in the Senate. This will involve public hearings and witness testimony as Senators consider amendments or potentially even rejection of this vote pandering piece of political theatre being used to attack our community.  This is our LAST and final chance to influence this final Bill.

Here is the list of Senators on SECD that hold our communities fate in their hands:

The task for every firearms owner at this point is a simple but critical one. Each of the 2.3 million firearms owners in Canada needs to write and send a free postage paid letter to each of the Senators.  A desk covered in letters has more effect than any email vetted by a staffer, but if you cannot put 11 letters together, then please at least use the email addresses below to make your views heard. Draw their attention to the facts shared in the letter below that was prepared for the Senate by Canada’s 7 leading firearms academics and the issues they raise and changes they propose.  Be polite, but be direct.  The government is working to steal your legally acquired property, and to crush your sport and hobby.  Be heard.

You have two months to write 11 letters and to urge your disciplines, family and friends to support responsible firearms ownership and sport and hobby shooting in this country. Spread the word and make one more attempt to have your voice heard. SECD can amend this Bill dramatically, and can even recommend its termination.

Get engaged.  We need your support.  Want to know why the Libs feel empowered to do whatever they want to farm for votes by throwing our community under the bus? CCFR has just over 50K members from a community of over 2 million.  That’s 2.5% of the firearms community engaged in supporting YOUR right to own and use firearms.  Brutally insufficient.  If you want to continue to be able to own, buy, sell and use your firearms, then get engaged.

11 letters. 60 days to get them sent.  Please do something. Make your voice heard.