
Annual General Meeting 2022

In Accordance with the Societies Act of BC, the Victoria Fish And Game Protective Association hereby gives notice of its 2022 Annual General Meeting.

To be held on March 21, 2022 at 7:00pm at the Strawberry Vale Community Hall, 11 High Street, Victoria BC.

Current PHO regulations regarding COVID will be in effect.  At this time it means, attendees must be in possession of their digital proof of vaccination card (QR card) and a government issued picture ID. Your QR card will be scanned prior to entrance to the hall. Masks must be worn inside the hall.  Hand sanitizer will be available.

Within the PHO regulations, we will try to have coffee, bottled water and a snack. Members will be required to sanitize their hands before touching any food or drink items.

These requirements may be relaxed before that date by the PHO, and any updates will be sent to all members.

As before, a provision will also be made for on-line Zoom attendance, but only through pre-registration. Register for on-line participation by email request to admincoor@vfgpa.org , include your full name, email address and member number. The deadline to pre-register is Friday March 18th at midnight, this deadline is necessary to allow time for member numbers to be confirmed and to build the Zoom credentials based upon the number of on-line participants, keeping in mind that the Administrative Coordinator has many other duties to perform concurrently. Following confirmation of registration, the Zoom link will be sent out ONLY to registered participants.


Agenda as follows:

  1. Acceptance of the Agenda for the 2022 AGM
  2. Acceptance of the Minutes from the previous AGM
  3. President’s report
  4. Executive reports
  5. Presentation of Financial Statement by Treasurer
  6. Brief intermission
  7. Election of the Executive, with the following proposed slate, and additional nominations from the floor:
    • President: Doug Bancroft
    • Vice-President, Operations: Don Senft
    • Vice-President, Sports & Innovation: Paul MacNeill
    • Vice-President, Member Services: George Ambeault
    • Treasurer: Stewart Churlish
    • Secretary: Andrew Lemon
  8. Election of six Members at Large, with the following proposed slate, and additional nominations from the floor:
    • Access Chair: Rod Parker
    • Compliance: David Busch
    • Continuity: Dom Piluso
    • Fishing & Big Game: Wayne Zaccarelli
    • Ranger/Juniors Program: Megan McCool
    • Risk Management: Martin Nicholls
  9. Additional appointments to the Board by the President (this is for information only):
  10. Election of six Members at Large, with the following proposed slate, and additional nominations from the floor:
    • Access Chair: Rod Parker
    • Kathryn Gillert
    • Webmaster -Tony Bousquet
    • Youth Groups & School Engagement – Tim Doherty
  11. Motion for adjournment