
AGM & Elections – October 18th 2021

In Accordance with the Societies Act of BC,

The Victoria Fish And Game Protective Association hereby gives notice of its 2021 Annual General Meeting.

To be held on Monday 18 October 2021 at 7pm at the Strawberry Vale Community Hall, address: 11 High Street, Victoria BC

Covid precautions will be in effect in accordance with PHO Order dated 10 Sept 2021 – attendees must be in possession of a Covid-19 Immunization Card or digital vaccination card and a government issued picture ID, participant cards will be scanned and matched to the ID card. Regretably, this is not discretionary, it is a hard PHO requirement we must enforce.

Masks must be worn inside the hall. Hand sanitizer will be available.

Within current PHO regulations, we will try to have coffee, bottled water and a snack. Members will be required to sanitize their hands before touching any food or drink items.

Provision will also be made for on-line Zoom attendance, but only through pre-registration. Register for on-line participation by email request to admincoor@vfgpa.org , include your full name, email address and member number. The deadline to pre-register is Monday 11 October at midnight, this deadline is necessary to allow time for member numbers to be confirmed and to build the Zoom credentials based upon the number of on-line participants, keeping in mind that the Administrative Coordinator has many other duties to perform concurrently. Following confirmation of registration, the Zoom link will be sent out ONLY to registered participants. If you are not registered, you will not be allowed in to the Zoom call for security, privacy and sanctity of voting reasons.

Agenda as follows:

1. Acceptance of Agenda for 2021 AGM

2. Acceptance of Minutes for last AGM

3. President’s report

4. Executive reports

5. Presentation of Financial Statement by Treasurer

6. Notice of Special Resolution: The following membership rate fee increases for 2022 are hereby proposed by the Directors to meet our short and long term financial commitments and pressures. The 24 Sept VFGPA newsletter includes a fulsome discussion of the reasons for the rate increase:

Adult MembershipCurrently-$2002022 Rate-$300
Family MembershipCurrently – $2352022 Rate – $350
Junior MembershipCurrently – $502022 Rate – $75
Senior MembershipCurrently – $1002022 Rate – $175

7. Notice of Special Resolution: The Directors hereby propose to adjust the VFGPA Bylaws to reflect the following:

a. adjust paragraph 52 from “The President shall not hold office for more than two consecutive terms and there must be a gap of at least two years before he may hold the office again.”

To read: “The President shall not hold office for more than three consecutive terms and there must be a gap of at least two years before he may hold the office again.”

8. Notice of Special Resolution: The Directors hereby propose to adjust the VFGPA organizational structure Bylaws, in view of continued VFGPA growth for which the current structure is challenged to keep pace with:

a. adjust paragraph 11 from ” Each member shall inform the Membership Chair or his designate in writing of his up-to-date mailing address, e-mail address (if any) and fax number (if any) for the purposes of receiving notices from the Society. This is an ongoing obligation.”

To read: Each member shall inform the Vice-President Member Services or his designate in writing of his up-to-date mailing address, e-mail address (if any) and fax number (if any) for the purposes of receiving notices from the Society. This is an ongoing obligation.

b. adjust paragraph 35 from ” The President of the Society, the Vice-president or, in the absence of both, one of the other Directors present, shall preside as Chairperson of a general meeting.

To read: “The President of the Society, any Vice-President or, in their absence, one of the other Directors present, shall preside as Chairperson of a general meeting.”

c. adjust paragraph 46 from “The membership shall elect up to 12 Directors including the officers (President, First and Second Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Chair)”

To read: “The membership shall elect up to 12 Directors including the officers (President, Vice-President Operations, Vice-President Sports and Innovation, Vice-President Member Services, Secretary and Treasurer).”

d. adjust paragraph 62 from ” The President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Membership Chair shall be Directors and Officers of the Society, and shall be elected at the annual general meeting. The immediate Past President shall also be a Director and Officer of the Society.”

To read: “The President, Vice-President Operations, Vice-President Sports and Innovation, Vice-President Member Services, Secretary and Treasurer shall be Directors and Officers of the Society, and shall be elected at the annual general meeting. The immediate Past President shall also be a Director and Officer of the Society.”

e. adjust sub-paragraph 84.e from ” Assign operational responsibilities to the First and Second Vice Presidents and directors.”

To read: “Assign operational responsibilities and priorities to the Vice-Presidents and Directors.”

f. adjust the first sentence of paragraph 85 from ” The First Vice-President and Second Vice-President shall:”

To read: “The Vice-President Operations, Vice-President Sports and Innovation and Vice-President Member Services shall:”

g. adjust paragraph 88 from ” The Membership Chair shall maintain the register of membership, and is responsible for accepting applications for membership. The Membership Chair may appoint others to accept membership applications on behalf of the Association.”

To read: “The Vice-President Member Services shall maintain the register of membership, and is responsible for accepting applications for membership. The Vice-President Member Services may appoint others to accept membership applications on behalf of the Association.”

h. adjust paragraph 120 from ” There shall be a Board of Trustees to consist of Past-Presidents and past First and Second Vice Presidents. The immediate Past-President shall be Chairman of the Board of Trustees.”

To read: “There shall be a Board of Trustees to consist of Past-Presidents and past Vice-Presidents. The immediate Past-President shall be Chairman of the Board of Trustees.”

9. Nominations from the floor for Director position elections

10. Proposed slate for Board of Director Executive pending approval of restructure by the Registrar of Societies of BC:

President: Doug Bancroft
1st VP: Don Senft
2nd VP: Paul MacNeill
Membership Chair: Rick Rutherford
Treasurer: Stewart Churlish
Secretary: Andrew Lemon

Note: Upon approval of proposed restructure by the Registrar, 1st VP becomes VP Operations, 2nd VP becomes VP Sports and Innovation and Membership Chair becomes VP Member Services

11. Motion for adjournment