
COVID-19 Update #3

Written 28-Apr-2020
Originally distributed via email to our members.

VFGPA members,

I am pleased to note that the BC Government recently decided that Resident hunting and fishing are considered essential activities with respect to COVID-19 management.  It may interest you to know that this decision followed a formal letter (attached) to the Premier from the President of the BC Wildlife Federation, the BC Fishing Resorts & Outfitters Association, and the Outdoor Recreation Council of BC.

Further, golf courses have been reopened with COVID-19 risk management restrictions, that are in many ways similar to what VFGPA put in place weeks ago to best manage these risks.  The VFGPA leadership team has been dealing with COVID-19 in a carefully balanced manner, and will continue to do so.

So what is new for VFGPA?

A small group in-person orientation course has been put in place for new members.  It is working well.  That said, we do not have the capacity to deal with the 800 members a year who require their five year refresher course.  Therefore, the VFGPA Board has decided: “That any members whose orientation expires during, or within 3 months of the COVID restrictions being lifted have a grace period to renew their orientation to last until 3 months following the lifting of the COVID restrictions”.  That said, make sure that you still carry your orientation card to prove that you have completed the course.

Also, for those renewing their memberships, we encourage you do so on line, and not at the VFGPA office, to minimize the handling of cash.


More Staff Needed

The VFGPA is looking for Restricted PAL holders to do casual caretaker work at $18/hr, mostly on weekends and Statutory holidays. If interested contact the Range Manager at manager@vfgpa.org


Range Dumpsters

Please note that range dumpsters are not for personal residential garbage.  Those caught dumping residential garbage anywhere on VFGPA property will have their membership suspended pending a formal review.  Of note, somebody recently dumped enough garbage beside the MP range dumpsters that caused hours of additional work by range staff to clear up.  If you see dumping happening, please inform any of the range staff immediately.


In Closing

On a positive note, I have been delighted by the continuous use of all our facilities in a safe manner by individuals, small groups, and many families.  Please continue to do so.  It is our facility, and it was founded a century ago during the Spanish Flu pandemic by veterans who had just returned from the Great War.  Please consider them as role models as we get through this pandemic.

Douglas Bancroft