AGM & Elections – March 16th 2020
Are you happy with the direction our Club is going? Would you like more input? Get involved and be heard!
The Annual General Meetings are the most important meetings of the year for all societies. At this meeting we have the AGM and elections for the Board of Directors. Attendees will hear reports about the major activities and business from 2019, as well as participate in the election of the club’s Head Table officers as well as 6 ‘Members-at-Large’ for the Board of Directors. Your Board of Directors asks that all members in good standing make a special effort to attend this meeting and participate in the running of the club. With a total of 12 positions up for election, we encourage everyone who has good ideas, enthusiasm, and time to participate in the management of our Association to stand for a Board Position.
The AGM will be hosted at:
Strawberry Vale Hall
11 High Street, Victoria
Monday, March 16th 2020
7pm sharp